July 3rd Work Party
Led by Becky Endzell, this was a true clean up crew. A lot of weeding, trimming, and reseeding took place. Judy and Jerald created a protective dome for the broccoli. Take that you wily rabbits! Sally, Sharon, Pam and Jenna/Jen/Jennifer joined in to side dress and water all veggies. The garden entry was beautified with the rest of the white picket fencing and the sun shone on all.Butterflies, Caterpillars and Lady Bugs on July 7th
We had guests starting at 9:45, but the crush of little feet came in a tidal wave by 10:45. Our young attendees totaled 82.Our Announcement Board was created by Cheryl's grand-daughter Melanie.
The focus was on insects, especially lady bugs. Penny McCormick brought a donation of Lady Bugs from Bainbridge Gardens.
Craft activities included making caterpillars from egg cartons, butterflies from tissue paper, and creating either a butterfly or lady bug mirror image painting.
This was our first children's program harvest! Both radishes and peas were gathered for Fishline in Poulsbo.
Of course none of this would be possible without our Master Gardener and Poulsbo Garden Club volunteers! Thank you all!!!!!!