Cheryl Bosley emailed a Doodle calendar to the addresses of everyone who has signed up for working in the Youth Garden at Raab Park. Please take a look at the calendar and sign-up for the days that you can put in 3 hours in the garden. If you are having any problem receiving emails, please let me know and I will make sure that you receive the information you are missing. Just contact me at or 206-201-3285. We need to know how many Master Gardeners to bring treats for and it will help us to calculate how many projects we can get done in a work PARTY!
The Earth Day "Elves" Were in the Garden
These are rare photographs of the Earth Day "Elves" with their teacher from West Sound School. They spent two hours of their Earth Day planting potatoes in planter #2 and onions in half of planter #5, as well as harvesting 14 pounds of rhubarb (and a couple of leeks) and delivering them to Fishline. Though one young elf had a peculiar affection for snails, they did an excellent job of weeding, turning soil, and planting. Thank you Ms. Jennifer Silvernail and her 7th grade students from West Sound. Stop by anytime to check up on the potatoes and onions. Be sure and take home some snails with you too!
The April 24th Work Party
A small group with great stamina met at the garden at 9am last Thursday for the first work PARTY. We weeded and planted cool weather veggies.
Planter #20 has a "rabbit sacrifice" of bush peas around it's outside edge and vining peas are protected under plastic bottle "greenhouses" in the center. There are more vining peas to be planted and the box will be divided so that the children may run through it to see what will be squash tunnels.
Martha and Judy took two crumbling strawberry towers were combined to make one that is not falling apart. Judy is planting the new tower this weekend.
Nancy planted 5 rows of beets between planter #24 & #25.
Judy served Aussie Bites and coffee at our break. Thank you Jennifer for volunteering your T-post tool!
Next Work PARTY is Thursday, May 7th
We changed it from May 1st due to Betsi trying to be in two places at once. We hope to finish planting the cool weather veggies (peas, strawberries, beans, carrots, etc.), trim the three trellises, and put down chips
around the two new water spigots. Please come and contribute your special gardening talents! As always, munchies will be served around 10:30am.
Our next Leadership Team meeting is set for May 19th from 1-3pm at Poulsbo
City Hall Conference Room, 2nd floor. Join us!
Betsi Kurzawski,
Judy Morgan,
Kim Kouns,
Cheryl Bosley,
Nancy Sirman,
Jill Ray,
MJ Tyler,