March 2015 Leadership Team Meeting Notes

Raab Park Leadership Team Meeting, March 16, 2015.

Present: Cheryl Bosley, Jennifer Clement, Kim Kouns, Darlett Knight, Betsi Kurzawski, Jill Ray, M.J. Tyler and Pam Warner.

Betsi Kurzawski called the meeting to order in the garden.

Minutes of the February meeting were approved with one correction.  Rookie Day is Friday, April 17th not the 16th.

Financial Report: There has been no change in our financial reports since February, so no new reports have been sent.


Betsi has not heard back from the Poulsbo Garden Club about our grant application.

Betsi after March 27th will meet with staff at Home Depot to request donations of material to secure our three watering stations against mischief.   We plan to pour concrete pads under each one into which we will insert brackets for securing the legs.  In addition to concrete and brackets we will need lumber for the mold and screening to staple to the underside of each box.


March 18th, 10am to noon, is the first time for hosting our new North Kitsap Schools’ Childrens Program.  Cheryl and Jill presented instruction sheets for activities to be offered at stations in the picnic shelter and at the garden.  There will be 4 activities lasting approximately 20 minutes each, with time allowed for moving between areas.  Duties of the MG volunteers, parents, and teachers were discussed.  Seven MGs have signed up via Doodle.  Approximately 70 students are expected.  If this proves to be a success two more dates may be selected for other classes to be invited to participate.

Rookie Day, April 17th:  Kim presented detailed plans for tasks to be competed on Rookie Day.  The group walked the garden to discuss what needs to be done and make assignments for leadership in each area.  Kim made notes of the various tasks and how many Rookies will be needed for each set.  She will forward the final assignments to each team member via email.   Some Rookies will also work in the Pea Patch.

Prior to Rookie Day, April 17th:

Kim will arrange for Bainbridge Disposal to begin collection in April.

We will ask that the water be turned on by April 16th when a special Work Party scheduled from 1-3pm will layout the soaker hoses.  Jennifer and her husband will donate enough new hoses to complete the entire garden.

Compost needs to be delivered.  It was agreed to purchase Oly Mt.  Jennifer may be able to arrange for free delivery.

Jennifer will pick up two 8’ x 4’ hog wire panels offered by Viking Feed in Kingston to build a pea trellis.

Cardboard is needed but not until just prior to April 17th.

Plans were made for lunch to be offered in the picnic area.  Pea Patch MGs will also contribute to the lunch.   Our Tri-fold poster will be used as part of an introduction to Raab activities.

First Work Party for the year is scheduled for April 30th.


Leadership Team Meeting:  Our next meeting is set for Monday, April 20th   at the garden.  

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